The bedroom is where you relax, rejuvenate and reset. A sanctuary from the busyness of the world outside, and a place for us to wind down and get back in touch with our introspective selves and be vulnerable in our personal space. We may think that creating a relaxing bedroom requires superb interior design and flawless carpentry, or a vast expanse of space to make us feel less claustrophobic. But more than the aesthetics, it can really be as simple as creating the right environment for yourself without needing to buy more new things. So here’s 5 steps to help you achieve that peaceful bedroom that your tired soul is seeking, without breaking the bank!
1. Clean up and declutter

Nobody likes sleeping in a dusty and dirty bedroom. Not only is it unhygienic and can trigger your allergies, it’s also aesthetically frustrating to see clutter all around. This is why we want to take some time to declutter: when our spaces are clean (especially the bedroom where we spend so much of our time), we naturally feel more relaxed, and at least like we are in control and have our life in order. More than that, this might also help you appreciate the canvas your bedroom has to offer!
2. Change your bed linen

This might sound like a no-brainer, but even the act of changing to a set of fresh sheets will make you anticipate a good night’s rest, and you could fall asleep more easily. Fresh sheets are also good to keep those pesky allergies at bay!
3. Freshen up the walls

If you think you’re getting a little tired of how your bedroom looks, one easy way to freshen the place up is by repainting the walls. This can include touching up on the dull painting, or just switching up the colour to something that matches your personality more. Along the way, you can also get rid of stains and marks on the old walls.
4. Go for minimalist bedding sets

Similar to decluttering the room, opting for clean and minimalist bedding sets also declutters our field of vision. This is why plain sheets are the go-to in many households - fuss-free, practical, and neat. If you think that a plain bedsheet is too boring, you can play around with cool colours (like baby blue) which, according to colour psychology, evoke a sense of calm and peace within us.
5. Plants

House plants have exploded in popularity during the pandemic, and for good reason - they are known to have calming effects, greatly improving moods just by looking at them and also relieving stress-related symptoms. This is also why you often hear people say “go for a walk!”, and they mean you well! Similarly, having some plant babies in our midst will help us bask in the zen and slow-moving energy of nature. Opt for house plants that need little light (since your bedroom is unlikely to be strongly lit the whole day), like the popular snake plant or spider plant.
We hope that these tips help you find peaceful rest in your favourite part of the home. In fact, these tips can probably apply to your whole home! So if you’re looking for a house refresh, you know what to do!